
NAF Scholarship-Financial Assistance Program

Application Instructions


The NAF Scholarship-Financial Assistance Program encourages and supports talented students in need. Recipients are selected based on both financial need and merit. Candidates must be committed to the mission, values, and legacy of NAF’s charitable works.



Scholarship amounts typically range between $250 and $5000. Funds are dispersed directly to the recipient’s school. Recipients must provide their email address, student I.D. number, and school bursar office information.



  1. Students of secondary and post-secondary educational levels are eligible to apply regardless of geographic location. The following items are required:
  2. Completed application – use online form or download and fill out.
  3. Essay – less than 700 words or 2 pages.
  4. Latest school transcript(s)
  5. Resume or curriculum vitae
  6. Two (2) letters of recommendation from a teacher, supervisor, community leader, or employer. Recommenders should email recommendation letters to NAF and include the applicant’s full name in the email’s subject line (e.g., NAF Recommendation Letter for [Your Full Name]).


Submit your essay as an email attachment. In less than 700 words or 2 pages, please address the following four (4) questions:

  1. What is your understanding of NAF, and how will your involvement with NAF help you achieve your academic/professional aspirations and goals?
  2. What impact will receiving this scholarship have on your studies?
  3. What distinguishes you from other candidates?
  4. Why are you pursuing a career in your chosen field?


Applications should be submitted via email only with the subject line format: “NAF Scholarship Application – [Your Full Name]”. Applications and all supporting documents must be emailed to NAF by April 15. It is advisable that students use their school email or an email containing their name to ensure ease of identification. NAF is not responsible for missed deadlines or incomplete applications. Decisions by NAF are final, except when more compelling documentation is requested and provided.

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